At Gemnote, we pride ourselves on working with premium suppliers that carry the best products. Each item in our catalog is thoroughly vetted and tested. Here’s the list of questions our Merchandising Team asks before on-boarding new products.
- Is the product practical?
- When and how often would the recipient use this?
- Is it easy to understand how it works?
Durability and Quality
- Is it well made?
- Do the materials feel sturdy or flimsy?
- Could this last for 2-5 years?
- Is it easily breakable?
- Does it function well for its purpose?
- Does it look refined and stylish?
- Does it feel dated or modern?
- Does it come in a variety of colors?
- Does it taste good?
- What’s the texture like?
- How does it smell when you open it?
- Are the flavors consistent?
- Does it taste natural or artificial?